About us

New England Beef is a grass-fed operation based out of Billerica, Massachusetts and Williston, Vermont. The operation raises fullblood American Aberdeen stock, which are DNA verified to authentic their origins. The reason these cattle are selected due to their smaller composition, sustainability, and ability to marble well on grass. The cows are not fed grain to finish, and are grass fed for their lifetime.


The Animals

The stock we have today resulted from a breeding program conducted in Australia on traditional framed Angus Cattle in the 1930’s. The goal of the project was to produce more beef per acre. It was found that breeding for low yearling growth rates and ultimately decreasing the topline of the animal, hence the name “Lowline”, achieved this task. The topline referred to is the back of the cow. At the culmination of the study in the 1970’s, the cows were dispersed by sale and the Australian Lowline Cattle Association was formed. The animals in the United States are not called American Aberdeen to reflect their relationship to the 1930 Aberdeen Angus.


The Family

New England Beef is a family owned business.Glenn and Adrienne Card met while attending UVM, and started a cattle business that could be integrated into their existing family farm enterprises. The operation also gives back to the local community through 4-H and agricultural youth programing.


The Environment

Smaller framed cattle are more efficient;  they consume less grass, water, and are less impactful on the land. This allows American Aberdeen to be stocked at higher densities then traditionally larger framed cattle. They are also bred to marble well on grass, which is not a trait other breeds have necessarily been bred for. Due to these attributes, when compared to other typical beef breeds (i.e. Angus, Simmental, Hereford) American Aberdeen’s are able to produce more pounds of meat per acre of grass.